Das Studium

Diese Liste enhält alle, nach internationalen Standards anerkannten Universitäten. Diese Universitäten werden regelmäßig von internationalen Aufsichtsorganen kontrolliert, und müssen immer wieder neu unter Beweis stellen, dass sie für die Ausbildung verantwortungsvoller und wissensstarker Chiropraktoren geeignet sind.

Sie können versichert sein, dass alle bei uns arbeitenden Chiropraktoren, an einer dieser Universitäten ihre Anerkennung erlangt haben.

In Deutschland gibt es derzeit leider keine entsprechende Ausbildungsmöglichkeit.

Anglo-European College of Chiropractic

Haymo Thiel DC, PhD, MSc, DipMedEd, FCCS, FCC

13-15 Parkwood Road
Bournemouth Dorset BH5 2DF
England, United Kingdom

Phone: (+44) 1202 436 200
Fax: (+44) 1202 436 312
E-mail: hthiel@aecc.ac.uk
Web: http://www.aecc.ac.uk/

Accredited since: 1992
Last review: 2016
Next review: 2021

'AECC Evaluation Team Report 2012'

'AECC Evaluation Team Report 2016'


Durban University of Technology

Junaid Shaik M.Tech: Chiropractic, MMedSci(SM)
Acting Head of Department of Chiropractic and Somatology

P.O. Box 1334
Durban 4001
South Africa

Phone: (+27) 31 373 2588
Cell: (+27) 832463562
Fax: (+27) 31 202 3632
E-mail: junaids@dut.ac.za
Web: www.dut.ac.za

Accredited since: 2009
Last review: 2012
Next review: 2016

'DUT Evaluation Team Report 2009'

'DUT Evaluation Team Report 2012'


Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie - Campus Paris

Thierry Kuster - Deputy Principal
24 Blvd. Paul Vaillant Couturier
94200 Ivry-Sur-Seine

Phone: (+33) 1 45 15 89 10
Fax: (+33) 1 45 15 89 11
E-Mail: tkuster@ifec.net
Web: www.ifec.net

Accredited since: 1996
Last review: 2014
Next review: 2019

'IFEC Paris Evaluation Team Report 2009'

'IFEC Evaluation Team Report 2014'


Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie - Campus Toulouse

Thierry Kuster - Deputy Principal
72 Chemin de la Flambère
31300 Toulouse

Phone: (+33) 5 61 16 23 10
E-Mail: tkuster@ifec.net
Web: www.ifec.net

Accredited since: 2013
Last review: 2014
Next review: 2019

'IFEC Toulouse Evaluation Team Report 2012'

'IFEC Evaluation Team Report 2014'


RCU Escorial Maria-Cristina

Ricardo Fujikawa DC, MD - Head of Studies, Chiropractic
RCU Escorial Maria-Cristina
Paseo delos Alamillos 2
E-28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Phone: (+39) 918 90 45 45 Ext. 211
E-Mail: rfujikawa@rcumariacristina.com
Web: www.rcumariacristina.com

Accredited since: 2012
Last review: 2015
Next review: 2018

'RCU Evaluation Team Report 2012'

'RCU Evaluation Team Report 2015'


Syddansk Universitet Odense

Henrik Hein Lauridsen Ph.D. - Director of Studies
Institute of Sports and Clinical Biomechanics
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M

E-Mail: hlauridsen@health.sdu.dk
Web: www.sdu.dk/Uddannelse/Fuldtidsstudier/Bachelor/Klinisk_biomekanik.aspx

Accredited since: 1999
Last review: 2013
Next review: 2018

'SDU Evaluation Team Report 2008'

'SDU Evaluation Team Report 2013'


University of Johannesburg - Faculty of Health Sciences - Dept. of Chiropractic

Dr. Chris Yelverton MTech Chiropractic, ICSSD
Head of Department of Chiropractic

University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524
Auckland Park 2006
South Africa

Phone: (+27) 11 559 6218
Fax: (+27) 11 559 6117
E-Mail: chrisy@uj.ac.za
Web: www.uj.ac.za

Accredited since: 2010
Last review: September 2013
Next review: 2018

'UJ Evaluation Team Report 2010'

'UJ Evaluation Team Report 2013'


University of South Wales - Welsh Institute of Chiropractic

University of Zurich

Prof. B. Kim Humphreys, DC, PhD, FRCC
Head of Chiropractic Medicine
University of Zürich and
University Hospital Balgrist
Forchstrasse 366
8008 Zürich

Phone: (+41) 44 386 57 01
Fax: (+41) 44 386 57 09
E-mail: kim.humphreys@balgrist.ch
Web: www.med.uzh.ch  

Accredited since: 2016
Last review: 2016
Next review: 2019

'UZH Evaluation Team Report 2016'


University of Surrey

European Institute of Health & Medical Science
University of Surrey
Stag Hill, Guildford
Surrey GU2 5XH
England, United Kingdom

Accredited for period 2003 - 2006
(Course Closed)

David Byfield DC, BSc, Mphil
School of Applied Sciences
Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1DL
Wales, United Kingdom

Phone: (+44) 1443 480 480

Fax: (+44) 1443 482 285

E-Mail: david.byfield@southwales.ac.uk

Web: www.southwales.ac.uk

Accredited since: 2002

Last review: 2015

Next review: Spring 2020





School of Chiropractic at Murdoch University
Stefan Pallister, Professor of Chiropractic
Head of School


Macquarie University Department of Chiropractic
Rosemary Giuriato, Head of Department
E-mail: - sci.chiro-adm@mq.edu.au
T: (612) 9850 6990  F: (612) 9850 9389
Web: www.chiro.mq.edu.au 

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Department of Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Complimentary Medicine.

Dr. Phillip Ebral, Head of DivisionBundoora Campus, Plenty Road Victoria 3083, AUSTRALIA
T: (613) 9925 75 96 F: (613) 9467 2794
E-mail: anna.bazzano@rmit.edu.au
Web: www.rmit.edu.au 

Tokyo College of Chiropractic (tidl. RMIT University Chiropractic Unit-Japan)
Dr. Hiroaki Tekeyachi, MD,Ph.d, DC
T: (813) 34 37 69 07 F: (813) 54 01 09 56
E-mail: tcc@chiro.jp

New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Dr. Brian Kelly, President
T: (649) 522 55 30
E-mail: info@nzchiro.co.nz
Web: www.chiropractic.ac.nz 


Cleveland Chiropractic College of K. City
Carl S. Cleveland III, D.C., President
6401 Rockhill Road, Kansas CityMO 64131
T: (816) 501 0100 F: (816) 361 0272
E-mail: carl.clevelandIII@cleveland.edu
Web: www.clevelandchiropractic.edu

Cleveland Chiropractic College of LA
Carl S. Cleveland III, D.C., President
590 North Vermont Av., Los Angeles CA 90004
T: (323) 660 6166 F: (323) 906 2090
E-mail: givradm@cleveland.edu
Web: www.clevelandchiropractic.edu   



Life Chiropractic College-West
Gerhard W. Clum D.C., President
25001 Industrial BlvdHayward, CA 94545
T: (510) 780 4500 F: (510) 780 4515
E-mail: gclum@lifewest.edu
Web: www.lifewest.edu  

Life University College of Chiropractic
Guy Riekeman, President
1269 Barclay CircleMarietta GA 30060
T: 770 426 2601 F: 770 429 4819
E-mail: president@life.edu
Web: www.life.edu

Logan College of Chiropractic
George A. Goodman, D.C. President
P.O. Box 1065, 1851 Schoettler Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 - 5529
T: (636) 227 2100 F: (636) 207 2420
E-mail: loganadm@logan.edu
Web: www.logan.edu

Los Angeles College of Chiropractic of the Southern California University of Health Sciences
Reed B. Philips, D.C. Ph.D., President
P.O. Box 1166, 16200 E. Amber Valley Drive Whittier, CA 90609-1166
T: (562) 947 8755 F: (562) 947 786
E-mail: admissions@scuhs.edu
Web: www.scuhs.edu 



Doctor of Chiropractic Degree Program in the National University of Health Sciences
James F. Winterstein, D.C., President
Janse Hall, 1st Floor200 E. Roosevelt Road, Lombard IL 60148
T: (630) 889 6566
Email: admissions@nuhs.edu
Web: www.nuhs.edu



New York Chiropractic College
Frank Nicchi, D.C., President
P.O. Box 800, 2360 State Route 89
Seneca Falls, NY 13148-0800
T: (315) 568 3100 F: (315) 568 3012
Web: www.NYCC.EDU 

Northwestern College of Chiropractic of the Northwestern Health Sciences University.
Alfred D Traina, DC, President
2501 West 84th Street, Bloomington MN 55431
T: (952) 885 5410 F: (952) 886 7564
Web: www.nwhealth.edu 



Palmer College of Chiropractic
1000 Brady Street, Davenport IA 52803
T: (563) 884 5656 F: (563) 884 5414
E-mail: pcadmit@palmer.edu
Web: www.palmer.edu

Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida
477 City Center Parkway, Port Orange FL 32129-4153
T: 386 763 2709 F: 386 763 2643
E-mail: pccf_admiss@palmer.edu
Web: www.palmer.edu
Palmer College of Chiropractic-West
90 E. Tasman Drive, San Jose CA 95134
T: (408) 944 6000 F: (408) 944 6032
E-mail: pccw_admiss@palmer.edu
Web: www.palmer.edu  



Parker College of Chiropractic
Fabrizio Mancini, D.C., President
2500 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas TX 75229-5668
Tel: (214) 902 3470 F: (214) 352 6603
E-mail: info@parkercc.edu
Web: www.parkercc.edu 



Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic
Jerry L Hardee, Ed.D, President
P.O. Box 1452 Spartanburg SC 29316
T: (864) 578 8770 F: (864) 599 7145
Web: www.sherman.edu   



Texas Chiropractic College
Richard G. Brassard, D.C., President
5912 Spencer Highway, Pasadena TX 77505-1699
T: (281) 487 1170 F: (281) 991 4871
E-mail: admissions@txchiro.edu
Web: www.txchiro.edu



University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic (1997)
Frank A. Zolli, D.C. Dean
Univ. of Bridgeport, 126 Park Avenue, Bridgeport CT 06604 USA
T: (203) 576 4552 F: (203) 576 4483
Web: www.bridgeport.edu 



Western States Chiropractic College
Joseph E. Brimhall, D.C. President
2900 N.E. 132nd Ave., Portland, OR 97230-3099
T: (503) 251 5712 F: (503) 251 5723
Web: www.wschiro.edu 


Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1
Telephone: (416) 482-2340 | 1-800-463-2923 | Fax: (416) 646-1114
E-mail: communications@cmcc.ca
Web: www.cmcc.ca